Ditre Italia

Podjetje Ditre Italia proizvaja zofe, fotelje, postelje in oblazinjene dodatke od leta 1976. V več kot 40 letih delovanja je podjetje bratov De Marchi, s sedežem v provinci Treviso odprlo dve tovarni in ogromen razstavni prostor. Izdelki so na voljo v številnih barva in naravnih materialih, od usnja do lanu in bombaža. Podjetje strmi k zmanjšanje onesnaženosti okolja. Ditre Italia svojim strankam ponuja popolno kakovost.

Mr. Jones Sofa

Mr. Jones is sturdy yet comfortable sofa combining natural material,
wood and leather. With its leather webbing the design brings a subtle
feeling of 50’s furniture to modern age.



The sofa was on Levrik’s drawing board almost for ten
years until the right kind of manufacturer with experience
and know-how was found.

The sofa was on Levrik’s drawing board almost for ten
years until the right kind of manufacturer with experience
and know-how was found.
